
New brewpub planned for former Flatlander's space in Lincolnshire

Fans of craft beers and fancy burgers, rejoice - a new brewpub is slated to open at one of Lake County's busiest intersections.

Dubbed the Half Day Brewing Company, the restaurant will operate in Lincolnshire's Village Green Shopping Center, on the northeast corner of Milwaukee Avenue and Olde Half Day Road.

It's the same space that housed Flatlander's Restaurant and Brewery from 1996 to 2012. Filling the vacancy after three years is a big deal, said Tonya Zozulya, Lincolnshire's economic development coordinator.

"The building serves as the anchor for the entire Village Green center," Zozulya said. "(It) will enhance leasing activity within the center and retain (and) attract tenants."

Plans call for the new, 14,500-square-foot restaurant to be ready for patrons this September.

A news release from the company promises a variety of handcrafted beers that are brewed on site, gourmet hamburgers topped with far more than cheese slices, and pizzas made in wood-fired ovens.

Zozulya can't wait.

"(It fills) the need for a quality family-style restaurant and brewery in the village, something village residents and corporate employees have told us they want," she said.

The people behind Half Day Brewing also operate Tap House Grill restaurants in Highwood, Palatine, Des Plaines, Glen Ellyn, St. Charles and four other Illinois locations.

A company representative couldn't be reached for comment.

Some exterior changes to the free-standing building's facade are planned, Zozulya said. Significant interior alterations also are expected, she said.

No zoning changes are needed for the site, Zozulya said.

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