
Walks, picnics next to a hog farm?

Walks, picnics next to a hog farm?

The mission drift documented in the LWVEA 2013 Study of the Kane County Forest Preserve District sadly continues with the latest proposal to lease up to 150 acres of the Brunner Forest Preserve for up to 25 years to a commercial farming enterprise.

The Brunner property, purchased for $40 million in 2008, has been a bone of contention ever since. Glowing news releases touted future riverfront, wetland and prairie restorations, paths connecting adjoining preserves and bike trails, and visitor amenities. Very little of that has materialized over the last seven years, and the latest proposal indicates a lack of interest in pursuing those plans. Apparently the only urgency for buying the Brunner property was to secure the right of way for the future Longmeadow Parkway/bridge.

The 2008 Site Development Plan and the 2012 Brunner Forest Preserve Proposed Master Plan showed natural habitats including grasslands, wetlands, and woodlands. They did not show a commercial farming venture with cropland, cows, hogs and thousands of chickens. Such intensive agricultural use further degrades wildlife habitat and brings up the question of the impact of large quantities of animal waste on ground water, adjacent wetlands and the Fox River.

What public use and enjoyment have the taxpayers of Kane County had for their $40 million investment over the past seven years? How much will they enjoy walks and picnics next to a hog farm?

Permitting a commercial farm in Brunner Forest Preserve goes against the mission to preserve and restore the nature of Kane County. It breaks promises made to the residents of the district who supported referendums to purchase and preserve natural lands. And it sets a very bad precedent by prioritizing profits over preservation.

Evelyn Carol Grom

Sleepy Hollow

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