
Illinois bill would allow gun owners to use silencers

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) - Hunters and other gun owners would be allowed to use silencers under a bill filed in the Illinois legislature.

The Belleville News-Democrat ( ) reports the measure would lift a restriction prohibiting the use of silencer for those with a valid Firearm Owner's Identification Card.

The bill's sponsor is Rep. Brandon Phelps. The Democrat from Harrisburg says gun owners want silencers to avoid hearing loss. Phelps acknowledges not everyone is going to support the use of the noise-reducing devices.

Mark Walsh of the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence says about 1,000 die annually in this state from gunshots and allowing silencers "is a bad policy."

A similar measure has been filed in the Senate.


The House bill is HB 433.


Information from: Belleville News-Democrat,

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