
Amazon to collect Illinois sales tax starting Feb. 1

Online retail giant Amazon will start collecting sales taxes on Illinois purchases on Feb. 1, the company said.

Before, online outfits like Amazon that had no physical connection to Illinois didn't have to collect state sales taxes, but shoppers were still supposed to pay the sales taxes they owed every year.

Now, a new state law means Amazon has to collect by Feb. 1, Illinois Department of Revenue spokesman Terry Horstman said.

The state rate of 6.25 percent will be applied to purchases, Horstman said.

Amazon spokesman Ty Rogers said the company will start on Feb. 1.

"As analysts have noted, Amazon offers the best prices with or without sales tax," he said in an email.

Local retailers have often argued Amazon gets an unfair advantage by not charging sales taxes, making online purchases with the site cheaper than going to the local store.

Illinois lawmakers approved a law requiring the site collect sales taxes a few years ago, but it was struck down by the state Supreme Court. Last year, lawmakers approved a new one.

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