
Here's what Americans really want

In response to Mr. Frankel's criticism on Dec. 17 of Republicans (based on sound bites instead of educated research), let me answer with what we as conservatives who love our country and our countrymen "want":

1) Our economy to thrive so our citizens can thrive. Banks need regulation but not to be shackled to the point that local banks can't help a local mom and pop business who fought hard and went into debt to save their business during the recession. Allow educated bankers make common sense decisions.

2) Our borders secured so illegal entrants can stop gaming the system and draining our resources. Then find a humane and sensible way to deal with the law-abiding people who crossed the border due to our own failure to secure our own borders.

3) Our government to stop lying to us. Nobody with any common sense believes a video started the attack that resulted in four Americans dead. "Man up", tell us you messed up and then tell us how we'll fix it. 4) All able-bodied people who seek work to be given incentives to find work versus being caught in a bureaucratic trap keeping them on the government (taxpayer) dole. The current system saps people of the self reliant principles that built this great country.

5) An end to using numbers to play games. Why should the unemployment rate stop counting people who are so discouraged they stop seeking work?

6) The courts to stop confusing freedom of religion with freedom from religion. Our Founding Fathers would be mortified with the issues we argue over with in this regard.

7) Compassionate to those who need a "hand up."

8) An end to spending more than we take in. Reduce the debt that will cripple our future. Let's start there, Mr. Frankel.

Tom Wendlandt


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