
Wheaton Warrenville South athletes participate in Day of Caring

"This guy can play ball," said Brian Shallcross, a junior at Wheaton Warrenville South High School and a member of the varsity basketball squad. "We better watch out for him."

Shallcross was referring to a 2-year-old boy in one of the child-care rooms at Blanchard Alliance Church in Wheaton, where a number of basketball players volunteered their time on Sunday.

Their volunteer efforts were part of the annual Tiger Day of Caring, during which more than 200 varsity athletes from Wheaton Warrenville South perform works of service in the community.

"It's an awesome way to give back," said Shallcross, who spent time Sunday with the little ones in the child-care room.

A group of his teammates, meanwhile, was busy in another room at the church, helping to get candles ready for the upcoming Christmas Eve and Christmas services.

"This is one of the things that sets South apart from other schools," said junior Matt Dacy.

The basketball players were just a few of the winter athletes who participated in Sunday's Tiger Day of Caring. The event happens once during each sports season. Started by a former Wheaton Warrenville South student, the event has become a valued tradition in the community.

In previous events, varsity athletes worked at area food pantries, did landscaping work for local schools and played bingo with residents at the DuPage Convalescent Center.

Wheaton Warrenville South basketball coach and Athletic Director Mike Healy said teaching the importance of service to the community is a key element of the school's athletic program.

"They're given lots of things as varsity athletes, and this is a way to return the favor," Healy said.

Joan Woehr, child-care coordinator at Blanchard Alliance Church, said the church was delighted to see the young men helping out on Sunday.

"It's so nice when the church and the larger community come together, especially this time of year," she said.

  Basketball players from Wheaton Warrenville South help out at Wheaton's Blanchard Alliance Church assembling candles for the Christmas service to be held later this week. Mark Black/
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