
Believe Project: $100 to buy more care packages for homeless people

Today's winner of a $100 bill through the Believe Project is Mary Kay Arndt of Arlington Heights.

Here is an excerpt from her pitch:

"$100 helps me buy more items for Ziploc 'Blessing Bags' in addition to items already purchased - combs, socks, gloves, gum, snacks, lip balm, tissues, etc. - for homeless people in our community. Waiting to hear from a dentist about donating toothbrushes/toothpaste, and a hotel regarding mini shampoos and soaps. I will buy these if donors don't respond. My plan is to keep these bags in my car and give them to any homeless person I happen to see. I'm planning to go to the Dollar Store to see what else I think would be of use to them."

• The Believe Project will award $100 each day in December to a different person with a good idea for how to use $100 to do a good deed for someone else. Email us your pitch of 100 words or fewer (include your name, address and hometown) to

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