
Thoughtful words were needed several years ago

As a dedicated reader of the Opinion page, I loved the editorial on Nov. 16, "For leaders who are listening, here's what not to do." Your comments - including "If there is a theme to the popular rhetoric regarding politics (it is) work together," and "every lawmaker ... we interviewed ... made a point of emphasizing his or her commitment to cooperative, bipartisan leadership," and "we have two U.S. senators ... who emphasize their devotion to moderate, productive government" - were right on the mark.

Now the question becomes why did you wait till November 2014 to write this editorial? Why not write it in 2009, 2010, 2011 or 2012 when the avowed policy of the then-minority party was "Our No. 1 priority is to make this president a one-term president"? Just seems that if it is the correct thing to say today it certainly was the right thing for the past six years.

Jack Halpin

Arlington Heights

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