
Endorsement: Yes to reduce size of Inverness park board

On Nov. 4, the Inverness park board is asking that the community reduce the number of park board commissioners from seven to five. Normally, we'd be inclined to think that, within reason, the more points of view we can get on boards overseeing expenditures of taxpayer dollars, the better chance for diverse points of view and careful analysis of all ideas. But in a small community like Inverness, it is not surprising for the board to report it has trouble recruiting seven people with the background, interest, time and energy to serve. As well-suited to the village as they may be, Inverness' parks and recreation facilities are not so complex that managing them requires a broader diversity of opinion than five community-minded individuals can provide. Moreover, a board made up of five committed members is surely going to be more effective than a larger panel that may include some members who aren't as engaged. We recommend a yes vote.

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