
Endorsement: Kramer for Kane County sheriff

The next Kane County sheriff will be a seasoned veteran and college educated, with decades of experience. Republican Donald Kramer and Democrat Willie Mayes Sr. are both qualified, have extensive training, take a no-nonsense approach and want the job. Kramer is a retired lieutenant with 30 years of experience. Mayes is deputy sheriff with 28 years of experience. Both list "integrity" prominently in their campaign literature. Both have almost identical three-pronged approaches to combating the heroin problem. Kramer was backed by the former undersheriff, who stepped down recently. Mayes had Sheriff Pat Perez standing at his side when he announced his candidacy. Both are good men who will make it a tough choice for voters. But it's good to have a tough choice, and our endorsement goes to Kramer. He seems more in tune with doing more with less as it pertains to personnel. Kramer, of Geneva, says he'll deal with a somewhat understaffed department by putting more sergeants and lieutenants on the street, for starters. Kramer also has experience writing successful grants that have benefited the department. We endorsed Kramer in the primary and continue to think he'd be an excellent sheriff. He is endorsed.

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