
Hultgren ducking LWV forum request

For more than 90 years the League of Women Voters has helped citizens of the United States become informed and active participants in government. By sponsoring nonpartisan forums, the league provides a venue for candidates to share their positions, ideals and goals in a civil and informative atmosphere. The objective of these forums is to make citizens better-informed voters.

The planning and scheduling of these forums is a lengthy and complicated process.

The Central Kane County, Elgin, McHenry County and DeKalb County Leagues have asked Representative Randy Hultgren on multiple occasions to participate in a forum in anticipation of the Nov. 4 election. Unfortunately, Mr. Hultgren and his staff have failed to respond to these requests.

It would be a disappointment to the league if Mr. Hultgren's failure to respond to these requests in a timely fashion prevents the scheduling of a candidate forum. More importantly, it would be an even greater loss to the citizens of the 14th Congressional District if they did not have an opportunity to listen to the positions and ideas of both Mr. Hultgren and his opponent, Dennis Anderson, before they cast their votes on Nov. 4.

Patti Lackman

Acting President,

League of Women Voters of Central Kane County

Sigi Psimenos


League of Women Voters of the Elgin Area

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