Don Kramer: Candidate Profile
Back to Kane County Sheriff
Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioQA Bio City: GenevaWebsite: www.kramerforsheriff.comOffice sought: Kane County Sheriff Age: 56Family: Married 24 years to Kelly Shannon Kelly, middle school teacher for 30 years. Son, Colin Kramer, recent graduate of Elmhurst College. Oldest daughter, Amanda Kramer, attending Augustana College. Youngest daughter, Holly Kramer, attends public school in Geneva. Don is the son of George and Trudy Kramer of Batavia. He has two brothers; David Kramer of Aurora, and Duane Kramer of Scottsdale, Arizona. Don's sisters Denise Bumbar and Delores Hubbard are residents of Batavia. Sister Donna Gahan lives in Phoenix, Arizona and Dana Clark lives in Owosso, Michigan. Sister Debra Wegman passed away in 2008.Occupation: Retired Kane County Sheriff's LieutenantEducation: Northwestern University, School of Police Staff and Command, Class #188 (highest class average); Chicago State University, Master of Science in Criminal Justice; Aurora University, Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice, (magna cum laude); Waubonsee Community College, Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice, Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration; Professional Certifications: National Incident Management, Critical Incident Response, Human Resource Manager, Training Manager Specialist, Windows 2000 Advance Administration, Domestic Violence Instructor, Juvenile Officer Specialist, Radar Operation Instructor, Accident Investigator, Breath Alcohol Operator, Child Passenger Seat Technician, and Teen Driver's Education InstructorCivic involvement: Rebuilding Together Aurora - Volunteer since 2009; Geneva Academic Foundation - Board member since 2008; Central Kane County TRIAD - Past President and Secretary, member since 2007; Geneva Beautification Committee - Volunteer since 2000; MADD National Youth Summit - Illinois State Adviser 2000; Suicide Prevention Services - Past board member (1999-2003) and current volunteer; Rotary International District 6440 - Vocational Service Chair (2003-2005); Rotary Club of Geneva - Past President 2003, member 1998-2009; Kane County Safe Kids - Board member since 1998; Moose Lodge 682 - Member and volunteer since 1998; Fraternal Order of Police, Member since 1979Elected offices held: Political - None Geneva Precinct 18 Committeeman; Central Kane County TRIAD - President 2009, Secretary 2007 - 2009; Rotary Club of Geneva - President 2003-2004, Vocational Service Chair 1998-2003; Suicide Prevention Services - Executive Committee 1999-2004; Kane County Safe Kids - Executive Committee 1998-2014; Kane County Task Force on Drinking and Driving - Safe Communities Director 1997-2000Questions Answers Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election for the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you? If so, what?I believe there are many improvements that can be made to reduce crime and increase the quality of life in Kane County. It is very important that law enforcement work closely with the community to address our concerns and resolve them through partnerships. We all have a stake in keeping our neighborhoods safe where families can enjoy security at our schools, parks and businesses. We also need to confront some very unpleasant issues dealing with drug and alcohol abuse and domestic violence. My 30 plus years at the Sheriff's Office have prepared me to take on this leadership role.If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of any important initiatives you've led. If you are a challenger, what would you bring to the board and what would your priority be?My first priority is to improve the flow of information to our officers and the public by our administrators. More focus will be placed on identifying problems in our community, determining ways to solve complaints and overseeing action plans that are successful. I will partner with other law enforcement agencies and community organizations in promoting educational programs that address bullying, drug abuse, domestic violence and suicide. And, I will also find ways to reduce costs and lessen the burden to taxpayers. I would like to see the sheriff's office become more green thereby reducing energy costs and monthly expenditures.How do you plan to address the heroin problem in Kane County?Drug abuse requires many community partnerships to resolve the problem. I will address drug abuse with a three-prong approach of education, prevention and enforcement, working with civic organizations and schools to educate teens to the dark side of drug use. We also want to educate parents and provide support to them when they become aware of a negative change in their child's behavior. Prevention depends on a network between schools, police, and community organizations. I will create a partnership with other police departments to interrupt the flow of drugs into our community and put drug dealers behind bars.Two people have killed themselves at the jail in the last two years. How do you plan to prevent future suicides?The key to suicide prevention is reading the signs that are almost always present with suicidal persons. I will require suicide prevention education for all officers in the correctional facility AND in the patrol division. Statements soon after an arrest are extremely telling. Screening is particularly important at the time persons are first booked into the jail, along with an initial 24 hour observation period. At-risk individuals will be provided immediate counseling and assigned to an area where constant supervision is provided. There will be attention to making sure that subjects taking medication are provided timely doses under proper supervision.Do you plan to continue the Roscoe Ebey Citizen of the Year Award? Why or why not?Three things the current sheriff has created have great public acceptance and appeal - the Citizen's Police Academy, the Sheriff's Car Show, and the Citizen of the Year. I will continue to support all three public relations events. It is very important to me to continue a strong, open connection with the public. I have experience with facilitating the National Night Out event, open houses and participating in these three events. It gives the sheriff and department employees an opportunity to connect with the public in a positive atmosphere where ideas are exchanged and friendships are built.What other issues, if any, are important to you as a candidate for this office?I began a career in law enforcement at the age of 21. My greatest influence in wanting to become a police officer was my father, George Kramer, the former sheriff from 1978 to 1986. I learned some very important lessons from my dad and the people I have served over the past 30 years. My first effort is to threat everyone the way I would expect to be treated by the police. We are servants of the public with the responsibility to keep the peace and combat criminal behavior. I hope to promote a servant leadership model for sheriff's employees.Please name one current leader who most inspires you.Congressman Randy Hultgren earns my respect as a current leader that inspires me the most. He is a great family man and an honest person.What's the biggest lesson you learned at home growing up?I was taught to take responsibility for my actions. This helped me to be honest with myself and others, which most people find refreshing.If life gave you one do-over, what would you spend it on?My family could not afford to do so, but I wish I could have attended a four-year college and participated in team sports.What was your favorite subject in school and how did it help you in later life?Communications (speech class) gave me the courage to speak in front of others, but it was far from my favorite class.If you could give your children only one piece of advice, what would it be?I have given my children the same advice I was given growing up - treat others the way you wish them to treat you!