
Kane Sheriff hopefuls differ on staffing plans, personnel levels

Two hopefuls for Kane County Sheriff both believe the department is understaffed, but have different views on how many sworn personnel are needed and how to allocate resources in the meantime.

Willie Mayes Sr., an Aurora Democrat, and Donald E. Kramer, a Republican from Geneva, will square off on Nov. 4. Incumbent Pat Perez is not seeking a third term.

Citing a budget deficit, county leaders recently rejected Perez' request to add a deputy to next year's budget, which would have brought the department's tally of sworn personnel - deputies, sergeants, lieutenants and the undersheriff - to 86.

The department was in the mid-90s years ago, but some positions have been eliminated through attrition as the economy and tax revenues slumped.

Mayes, a 20-year veteran at the department and current lieutenant, said statistics recommend the department have 119 sworn personnel, but that's not realistic today.

Mayes, 52, wants staffing levels returned to 92, with seven additional deputies assigned to the patrol division.

"We have been doing more with less," Mayes said. "With 92, we can comfortably do all the services we provide now. I think that in doing those services, (that) we still have to make sure were effective, efficient, transparent and responsible."

Kramer, 56, retired in 2009 from the sheriff's department as a lieutenant after nearly 30 years. He said he prefers the department return to at least 90 sworn personnel.

Given the county's budget constraints, he would like to see the department gradually return to that level.

"Slowly, as the economy recovers and as the tax base improves, I would like to see us add another deputy every election cycle til we at least hit 90," Kramer said.

Kramer said he has noticed fewer patrols on the streets; one way to remedy this is to have more supervisors on patrol.

"There are several things we need to do that aren't getting done," he said. "We need to have lieutenants out on the street."

Willie Mayes Sr.
Donald E. Kramer
Donald Kramer, left, and Willie Mayes, Sr.
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