
Schakowsky shows little concern for veterans

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky has suggested eliminating so-called signature strikes of drone aircraft from military and intelligence operations because many such strikes have killed innocent civilians. What would she recommend? Bombs? Human snipers?

1) The aircraft are called unmanned aviation vehicles, not drones.

2) She should have talked to Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth who was permanently injured in an operation that could have used a UAV.

3) If Schakowsky really believed in equality of women, she would have enlisted for the Vietnam War, then she would see firsthand why we should not put men or women in harm's way. That's why we need more vets like Congresswoman Duckworth.

4) If she was serious about her concern for veterans she would have voted to revamp the VA and fire and prosecute the administrators who kept two sets of books. Instead, she voted to have the Washington Redskins change their name.

5) She and the administration have to step up to protect Israel. ISIS is on the Golan Heights and in Lebanon. We let ISIS displace 1 million Christians killing thousands.

Let's try to save Israel with UAVs.

Ed Smetana

Arlington Heights

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