
Choose more credible columnist than Brazile

Columnist Donna Brazile had a column in the Daily Herald on July 7 which, judging by the title, was the Herald's intent to give readers an unbiased information piece about the need for long-term refunding of the Highway Trust Fund. However, true to form, Ms. Brazile took the opportunity to blame the delay in funding on some members of Congress (without stating which party she had in mind) because "some road-rage members of Congress want to make repealing Obamacare, or adding pet projects like permanent tax breaks for the rich, as a condition for funding."

After reading that I began research to see if there was any factual truth to that statement, and, of course, I could not find any. President George W. Bush once described political operative Donna Brazile as a Democratic Party "attack dog." In 1988, Gov. Michael Dukakis fired her from his presidential campaign for spreading unsubstantiated rumors that George H.W. Bush was having an extramarital affair. During Brazile's time as manager of Sen. Al Gore's campaign for president, Gore had to apologize to Secretary of State Colin Powell for her characterizations of Powell.

If the Herald feels the necessity to have a Republican-bashing columnist, there must be someone with better credentials than those of Ms. Brazile.

Gary Sheffert

Arlington Heights

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