
Get ready for new shot at political map

Does anyone really expect that there will not be a tax levied or present tax extended to make up for the tax that is supposed to default this year?

Our state budget passed with the anticipation that, after the election, the legislators, will pass the necessary tax bill.

We have politicians in Illinois, not statesmen. This disregard for the electorate is based on the power grab that the politicians have done over the years and is concretized in the way they are elected: gerrymandering is the name of the game for both parties.

This year, Michael Madigan and his allies were able to neutralize/defeat over a half million voices seeking a change in organizing voting districts.

The thought is that this issue can be raised again in 2016. If you care that your taxes are going up, that businesses are leaving the state of Illinois or are moving from the suburbs and downstate to Chicago, then be ready for the next attempt at redistricting.

Mike Klesitnski


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