
Let's eradicate gang violence on 2 fronts

Let's eradicate gang violence on 2 fronts

Most people look forward to spring, yet their is fear in the air in Illinois. Fear centers in two areas of the state.

When temperatures start to rise you can count on gang violence to pick up on the south and west sides of Chicago with young girls and boys as victims. You can also count on Springfield's gang led by Speaker Madigan each spring session to wreak havoc with jobs and companies dying or seeking refuge in other states.

This spring is no different. Even though the unemployment rate dropped in April, Illinois lost 6,800 jobs earning the distinction of worst job loss performance in the nation. The gap in the state's unemployment rate of 7.9 percent compared to the national average of 6.3 percent grew to 1.6 percent.

When Madigan's gang increased individual income taxes 67 percent as well as increasing corporate income taxes in January, 2011 the gap was only 0.3 percent. Unemployment rates in neighboring states meanwhile contrast starkly to Illinois with Iowa, Indiana and Wisconsin all ranging from 4.3 percent to 5.8 percent. How is Springfield fighting back? As usual, the Springfield gang is planning to spend more and tax more.

Let's eradicate gang violence in Illinois's two crime ridden areas with term limits, independent mapping and new leadership in government. Restoring integrity in Illinois government will grow our economy and jobs and make us all feel safer next spring and into the future.

Mike Tennis

Sleepy Hollow

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