
Smart Farm of Barrington set for vegetable seedling sale

As the calendar creeps toward spring, having braved a much longer, colder and snowier winter than usual, it's time to start thinking about the vegetable growing season.

Smart Farm of Barrington will host its annual spring vegetable seedling sale from 9 a.m.-noon on Saturday, May 17, at its hoop house, on the Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital Campus, 450 W. Highway 22, Barrington.

Seedlings will include a wide variety of tomatoes including heirlooms and grapes, 10 different kinds of peppers, various types of squash, lettuce, kale, eggplant, and cucumbers as well as many types of herbs including basil, thyme, oregano, mint and parsley. All seedlings are organic and locally grown from non-GMO seeds. Preorders will be accepted at

Smart Farm's head gardener will be at the sale to answer questions about planting and caring for your vegetable seedlings.

Funds from the sale will assist Smart Farm in its mission to help educate the community about the benefits of sustainable gardening and healthy eating and to help support Smart Farm in its efforts to raise fresh produce for neighbors in need.

During the 2013 growing season, Smart Farm donated over 6,700 pounds of fresh produce to local food pantries.

Smart Farm will be holding a number of classes and workshops throughout the spring and summer. To see a complete list of workshop topics and dates, and to learn more about Smart Farm, its programs, and volunteer opportunities, go to

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