
Prospect Hts. planning $1 million public works expansion

The Prospect Heights City Council this week hired a Deerfield architectural firm to draw plans for a $1 million addition to the city's public works garage at 401 Piper Lane.

Green Associates' $75,800 bid was the lowest of three firms that sought the project, which will include the addition of space for eight cars, a lunchroom and a conference room. Cardogan Clark & Associates of Aurora bid $77,190, and Hezner Corporation of Libertyville bid $139,052.

The project also will include space for a squad car for the police substation opened at the public works facility last summer. The substation was created in an effort to boost police presence and community outreach at some of the multifamily housing complexes nearby.

Green expects construction to finish before the end of the year, according to a memo from City Engineer Steven D. Berecz.

He said architectural fees should be between 5-7 percent of the estimated cost of a project, or in the neighborhood of $60,000. The bids of the two lowest firms are within industry standards, according to officials.

  Prospect Heights is moving forward with plans for a $1 million expansion of its public works facility at 401 Piper Lane. The city council this week approved a $75,800 bid with a Deerfield architectural firm to draw up plans for the project. Mark Welsh/
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