
Writer's views on wages, voting illogical

In a leter on March 4, Mr. Prescott states the obvious: "No one railing against the minimum wage is working for the minimum wage." Well, of course not. The real issue is the government interfering in the business owner/worker relationship. The laws of economics say that you pay an amount for labor that allows the business owner to make a profit. If not, the owner goes out of business and the worker loses his job. This simple law seems to escape Mr. Prescott. If Mr. Prescott has ever studied economics, he seems to ignore the rules of supply and demand among other things.

In another comment, Mr. Prescott says, ... "few if any of those supporting voter suppression laws (under the guise of preventing nonexistent voter fraud) are in the targeted minorities." Using the term of "voter suppression laws" is a deliberate mischaracterization of the serious issue of ID's for showing that you are indeed allowed to vote before you attempt to do so. A simple Google search shows prosecutions and convictions in almost every state which dispels Mr. Prescott's claim of "nonexistent voter fraud." Voter fraud is much with us despite his denial. He needs to read Lincoln Steffens' "The Shame of the Cities," which describes in detail the clever ways that corrupt politicians engage in fraud.

Regarding his comment concerning Hillary Clinton and her book "It Takes a Village" in raising a productive member of society: Clinton needs to explain her role in Benghazi and the missing Rose law firm records before Mr. Prescott gets her into any discussion of family value issues.

Joseph Helsing

South Barrington

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