
Lietzow is a chance to change direction

Change is desperately needed for the Republican presence in Elk Grove Township.

I have lived in this area for over 30 years and have seen absolutely no signs of life coming out of what purports to be a Republican party organization in the township.

Except for yesterday when I received a letter asking me to vote for the insider's candidate for Committeeman, the Highway Commissioner who is paid $45,000 a year to maintain four miles of road. It was signed by the Elk Grove Township "government" insider's clique: Sweeney (Supervisor); Carosielli (Assessor); O'Brien (Clerk) and Busse (Trustee).

Just further evidence that the party is an insular self-serving clucking club composed of individuals interested in preserving a position of title in a party organization. All the while getting paid with cushy township government jobs. Same cast of characters.

This do-nothing scenario sadly is typical of the Republican party throughout Illinois and enables the Democrats to maintain their stranglehold on government and spend the state into financial ruin.

I have voted Republican in virtually every primary election. A couple years ago I searched out their meeting, went and volunteered to work walking the precincts or do whatever and left all my contact info.

I never heard another word back from them. Their club must be overflowing with volunteers or is not interested in outsiders.

Republicans finally have a chance to elect a new township committeeman who has the initiative, energy, drive, experience and proven track record to build a party organization that can be effective and actually make a difference in Illinois. And defeat Duckworth.

It is time to throw out that stale, worn-out, failed, self-serving old guard and vote for Scott Lietzow for Republican Committeeman in Elk Grove Township.

Neal Underwood

Arlington Heights

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