
84th District Representative Kifowit: Candidate Profile

84th District Representative (Democrat)

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Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioQA Bio City: AuroraWebsite: www.stephaniekifowit.orgOffice sought: 84th District Representative Age: 42Family: Husband Steve and kids Sabrina and SamuelOccupation: State RepresentativeEducation: Alumna of Northern Illinois University with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Masters in Public Administration.Civic involvement: Member of the Greater Aurora Chamber of Commerce, Aurora Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Quad County African American Chamber of Commerce, Women in Government, United States Marine Corps League (life member), Fox Valley Marines, Women Marine Association (life member), American Legion â#128;#147; Aurora Post 84, Independence Day Parade Committee, Woman's Power Lunch Committee, and the Veteranâ#128;™s Breakfast Group. Former Troop Leader for the Fox Valley Girl Scout Council and substitute teacher.Elected offices held: Alderman, City of Aurora 3rd WardHave you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain: NoQuestions Answers How will you work to make the General Assembly function more productively and effectively? Wlll you vote to retain your party's current legislative leader? In what specific ways do you support changing how government in Springfield works?During my almost two years in the General Assembly, I have focused on working with all members of the House of Representatives. Most recently, I worked with members of the of the other party on SB 3387; which provides the taxpayers in the Fox Valley Park District the ability to elect the members of the board. This is an example of accountable government and both parties working together. As I walk door to door, residents make it very clear that they are sick of partisan bickering and want us to focus on figuring out solutions.If the Supreme Court, strikes down the SB 1 pension reform, what is your Plan B and why do you think it would be both legal and effective?This is obviously a very complex issue, and the situation the state arrived at did not happen overnight. The current state of the pension systems is simply unsustainable. All parties involved and taxpayers understand this issue must be resolved and we owe it to them to do so. Some type of reform is necessary to insure the fund stay solvent, and those who diligently and faithfully paid into the systems would receive their retirement. Without reform funding for important services such as public safety, veteransâ#128;™ programs, senior services, and K-12 education would be in jeopardy.As it stands now, the 2011 income tax increase will expire as planned on Jan. 1. Do you think that expiration should be reconsidered? Would you support making the increase permanent or extending it for some period of time? Please be specific about what level of tax increase, if any, you would support.Residents in my district pay some of the highest property taxes in the state. As Iâ#128;™ve gone door to door talking to voters this is the number one topic they choose to discuss with me. The 2011 income tax increase was passed with the intent for it to be temporary and taxpayers deserve tax fairness.Do you support cuts in state spending? If so, what specifically do you suggest cutting and how will those cuts be sufficient to restore the state's financial health and economic climate?This issue requires our diligent and bipartisan work of reducing waste and inefficiency by going line by line through the budget to justify every dollar we spend. As a legislator, I have a responsibility to keep vital services such as education, public safety, healthcare and programs for veterans and seniors intact while eliminating fraud and duplication of services. Eliminating waste and stimulating the economic climate should be the primary focus in solving the stateâ#128;™s issues.What changes, if any, do you believe the state should make in the area of education? Would you support the the so-called pension cost-shift to local schools?Many families choose to live in the communities in my district because of the quality of our schools. We have great schools because parents, just like my husband and I, are involved in every phase of our childrenâ#128;™s education and work with our local educators to help our children succeed. These same families pay some of the highest property taxes in the state to fund our schools. Families cannot afford to pay any more or risk losing their homes. Our schools depend on resources from the state and we must prioritize these resources.What other issues, if any, are important to you as a candidate for this office?Improving the stateâ#128;™s fiscal condition is my top priority. The economic climate of our state affects almost every facet of government and even our basic local needs. It makes it more difficult to spur economic development, improve education and expand access to healthcare when we can barely afford to keep the lights on. Our communities deserve to be safe, have great schools, access to top notch medical care and vital services for seniors.Please name one current leader who most inspires you.Working with local veterans in the district, I've been inspired by their stories of perseverance and continued will to improve our community.What's the biggest lesson you learned at home growing up?To work hard, I have been working since I was 13 because money was tight growing up.If life gave you one do-over, what would you spend it on?I've been blessed, I wouldn't want to change a thing because all my experiences have made me who I am today.What was your favorite subject in school and how did it help you in later life?I believe that all facets of learning help with cognitive thought processes and allow us to become better at critical thinking.If you could give your children only one piece of advice, what would it be?To treat others how you would like to be treated.

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