
81st District Representative Chaplin: Candidate Profile

81st District Representative (Democratic)

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Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioQA Bio City: Downers GroveWebsite: lizchaplinforillinois.comOffice sought: 81st District Representative Age: 49Family: Married 25 years to Brian. Three Children, Ellena 18, Grace 16 and Adam 14. Two Dogs, Orbit and Nova.Occupation: Accounts Payable Windy City WireEducation: Candidate did not respond.Civic involvement: Member DuPage Railroad Safety Council Recipient of the 2014 prestigious â#128;œLauren Elizabeth Wilson Champion Awardâ#128;ť for commitment to the issue of railway safety. Appointed to the DuPage Water Commission in 2002, reappointed in 2004, served until 2010 Member of Downers Grove 100 Women Who Care Served as President, Midwest Ballet Theatre Served as Second VP of the Indian Trail PTA Past member of the Downers Grove Junior Womenâ#128;™s Club Past Religious Education Teacher, St. Josephâ#128;™s ChurchElected offices held: DuPage County Board member 2012 - CurrentHave you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain: NoQuestions Answers How will you work to make the General Assembly function more productively and effectively? Wlll you vote to retain your party's current legislative leader? In what specific ways do you support changing how government in Springfield works?Springfield is broken because too many politicians over promise and under deliver and place their ambition to climb the political ladder ahead of the public interest. As state representative my commitment will be to represent the people of the 81st district with integrity and conviction and encourage my fellow representatives to make similar commitments.If the Supreme Court, strikes down the SB 1 pension reform, what is your Plan B and why do you think it would be both legal and effective?Pension reform can only be successful if we balance fiscal, legal and political realities. Therefore, until we know the legal rationale handed down by the Illinois Supreme Court, anyone who claims to have a legal and effective "Plan B" to miraculously solve the pension crisis is very likely making promises they cannot keep.As it stands now, the 2011 income tax increase will expire as planned on Jan. 1. Do you think that expiration should be reconsidered? Would you support making the increase permanent or extending it for some period of time? Please be specific about what level of tax increase, if any, you would support.Illinois must have a balanced budget that adequately funds core government services. A long standing conservative principle is that there are no free lunches and any successful budget must accommodate fiscal and political reality. Therefore taxes should be limited to what is strictly necessary to pay for core services, and not a dime higher.Do you support cuts in state spending? If so, what specifically do you suggest cutting and how will those cuts be sufficient to restore the state's financial health and economic climate?When tax dollars are spent lining the pockets of well-connected insider elites, government struggles with funding core priorities. While serving on the DuPage County Board, I have relentlessly challenged back room deal making, excessive salaries and benefits for elected officials, lucrative contracts for the associated of connected insiders, and the practice of allowing campaign contributions from vendors doing business with the same people who award government contracts. Also, to be fiscally prudent we must be careful to avoid cuts that create false savings and the illusion of frugality by shifting present responsibilities into the future.What changes, if any, do you believe the state should make in the area of education? Would you support the the so-called pension cost-shift to local schools?Strong locally controlled schools are the common denominator shared by all of the communities and neighborhoods within the 81st district. In our district, public education is strong and I will stand against schemes to fix what isn't broken. We must not be penny wise and dollar foolish when it comes to our children.What other issues, if any, are important to you as a candidate for this office?Candidate did not respond.Please name one current leader who most inspires you.I am inspired by the amazing people I have met throughout my life that have faced adversity with courage, kindness and hope.What's the biggest lesson you learned at home growing up?Treat people how you want to be treated.If life gave you one do-over, what would you spend it on?Past success and failures have lead me to who I am. I never look back, only forward.What was your favorite subject in school and how did it help you in later life?Music, it taught me commitment, teamwork, performance, time management and the rewards of hard work.If you could give your children only one piece of advice, what would it be?Make good choices.