
North Chicago High band is playing at Liberty Bowl College Football game

The North Chicago High School band left at midnight on December 28, 2013. The band not only raised the $17,000 that they were shooting for, but surpassed their goal by thousands. The music teacher, Robert Pressley will use any additional money raised to start saving towards new uniforms for the band and also to help get the choir to a similar event next year. The school is extremely grateful to donations that began pouring in, not only from all over Illinois but also from all over the country. The band would like to express their gratitude to everyone that helped them reach their goal. They realize that it is the generosity of the community that assisted them in sending them to Tennessee. This is huge not only for the high school, but for the entire community. It makes one feel overwhelmed with the humanity that is becoming more and more evident in the crazy world that we live in.

Watch for the band on ESPN this New Year's Eve during the Liberty Bowl College Football game. They will be the only team from Illinois attending the event and are very excited for this wonderful opportunity.

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