
Buffalo Grove Fire hosts holiday blood drive Dec. 20

It's that time of year when the need for blood and blood by-products is at its peak.

Please donate at the Buffalo Grove Fire Department Blood Drive, 1051 Highland Grove Drive, on Friday, Dec. 20, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the training room.

To schedule your appointment, visit use sponsor code 041D

You can also call the BG Fire Dept. 847-537-0995

Appointments are recommended.

Prepare for your donation. Eat well, stay hydrated and bring an ID.

Bring an ID with you on the day of the blood drive. Proper ID is required to donate blood.

A LifeSource or military ID, driver's license, or employee badge with picture and full name are all approved forms of ID. Birth certificate along with a picture ID that includes the donor full name will also be accepted.

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