
Get ready for the holidays at the historical museum

With Thanksgiving and the winter holidays soon approaching, you can get a jump on your preparations at the Arlington Heights Historical Museum.

Handmade Holiday Card Stock Up for adults, high school through retirees, will be held from 1-2:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 10. A handmade card is a hug with a fold in the middle. Make exquisite, one-of-a-kind cards that look professionally made. Create easy and fabulous cards to present gift cards, accompany cash gifts or to impress those special friends and family. Fee is $18.

Ages 7-12 learn Holiday Etiquette from 4-5:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 14. The Etiquette School of Chicago will demonstrate and practice manner skills in greetings, introductions, dining, and how to be a good host. Fee is $25.

Get Ready for Thanksgiving from 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, Nov. 23. Let the kids help with some of the holiday prep work. Together, your family will make a centerpiece, decorate a table runner and prepare a dessert. This is a family activity — register one family member, one adult must accompany your group. Fee is $25 per family.

The Arlington Heights Historical Museum is located at 110 W. Fremont. You may register online at, click “classes/programs” tab and follow the links to the program of your choice.

Registration may also be made in person at any Arlington Heights Park District registration office. For more information, call the museum at (847) 255-1225.

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