
President turns his back on home state

Hey, President Obama! I note you don’t mention crime among your list-o-things to comment on in your White House email submission. Have you watched the news in your home city of Chicago lately? News stations recently covered, among others, a shooting of a high school kid, another couple of shootings and a closing of a new playground because a gang member had a funeral in the hood sometime soon, and school officials thought it would be best to close it for the duration.

How did you ever get to skip the fine print about the crazy violence in your home city/state and get to be president? I really hate that no one seems to have noticed that you paid absolutely no attention to Chicago and Illinois, yet always had your eyes on the prize.

How did no one notice that you never actually improved Illinois, and in fact left it in worse shape than when you arrived?

Polly Dixon

St. Charles

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