
Five League of Extraordinary Float Builders celebrate 9th anniversary

The 2013 Glen Ellyn 4th of July Parade marks the 9th time that the Glen Ellyn Historical Society League of Extraordinary Float Builders created, designed and built a float for the Village of Glen Ellyn to enjoy.

Their building skill is the envy of every float builder in the parade.

Though League members have come and gone over the nine years, there is a core group that has remained loyal, enthusiastic and involved.

John Winans, Mike Bradley Richard Winans, Pete Ladesic, and Dan Anderson make up that group.

This year they are grappling with the construction of a caboose to advertise the spectacular new exhibit coming to the Glen Ellyn History Center on September 15 through the middle of November.

Titled, “The History of Railroads in Glen Ellyn,” this exhibit leads visitors through the development of the “Iron Horse,” and how it changed Glen Ellyn's history for the better.

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