
It’s flea and tick season, so protect your pets

You notice your dog has been scratching and biting himself. You notice the little black spots when you groom your him. With the warm and humid weather, flea season has arrived.

The AVMA, HSUS websites and offer information in our efforts to protect our animals from fleas and ticks.

Adult fleas are dark brown and are the size of a sesame seed. Dr. Carol S. Foil, DVM, MS, Diplomte A.C.V., notes flea allergy dermatis is the most common skin disease of dogs and cats. Adult fleas cause the clinical signs on our animals, but the majority of the flea population, eggs, larvae and pupae are found off the animal and in and around the house.

Our animals can pick up fleas wherever there is an infestation, usually areas frequented by other dogs and cats. The life cycle of the flea is anywhere from 12 days to 6 months, with the adult flea spending virtually all of its time on our pets.

Female fleas begin laying eggs within 24 hours of selecting our pet as a host, producing 50 eggs each day. The eggs fall off our pet onto the furniture, including our dog’s bed, the flooring or anywhere he goes.

“Tiny, wormlike larvae hatch from the eggs and burrow into carpets, under furniture, or into soil before spinning into a cocoon. The cocooned flea pupae can lie dormant (inactive) for weeks before emerging as adults that are ready to infest (or reinfest) your pet,” notes the AVMA.

Your animal’s flea problem may not be noticeable until their number increases to the amount where he is uncomfortable. Signs of flea problems on your pet range from mild redness to severe scratching that can lead to open sores and skin infections.

These skin infections can be described as “hot spots.” The fleas themselves may not be seen, but the flea dirt or the black droppings are visible.

Controlling the fleas is an important as treating them on your pet. Since most of the flea’s life cycle is spent off your animal, treating only your pet won’t eliminate the problem.

In addition to killing the adult flea, the flea eggs, larvae and pupae also have to be eliminated, or your pet will become reinfested when these insects become adults and the cycle starts all over again.

So, in addition to treating your pet, the flea population in your house must be reduced by thoroughly cleaning your animal’s sleeping area, vacuuming your floors and your furniture.

The HSUS suggests treating the inside of your house with a flea “bomb” is the most effective way of eliminating an infestation. This treatment requires the removal of birds and fish, with the fumes also requiring you to stay out of your home for a number of hours.

Treatment to get rid of the fleas then includes combing your pet regularly with a flea comb, vacuuming frequently, washing your pet’s bedding weekly, bathing your pet with a pesticide-free shampoo and mowing areas of the lawn where your pet spends time.

It may also be necessary to treat the outside of your home with a flea/tick killer on the grass and soil.

Monthly topical flea treatments are available through your veterinarian, which are insecticides designed to have fewer toxic effects on the nervous systems of mammals. The HSUS suggests the following Flea and Tick reminders:

Ÿ Avoid using OP-based products and products with carbamates.

Ÿ Never use flea and tick products designed for dogs or cats, or vice versa.

Ÿ Never apply pesticides to very young, elderly, pregnant or sick animals unless directed to do so by a veterinarian.

Ÿ Always read the ingredients, instructions and warnings on the package thoroughly.

We need to protect our animals from parasites like fleas and ticks. Its part of responsible pet ownership. In my experience, the first and best step for flea control and treatment is to consult your veterinarian.

Ÿ Contact The Buddy Foundation by calling (847) 290-5806; visit the shelter at 65 W. Seegers Road, Arlington Heights; or at

This handsome guy is Sebastian, a male Siberian husky who weighs 60 pounds and is about 8 years old. Courtesy of The Buddy Foundation
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