Judith Easton: Candidate Profile
Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioKey IssuesQA Bio City: AddisonWebsite: Candidate did not respond.Office sought: Addison Township Clerk (4-year Term)Age: 58Family: I live in Addison with my husband. My two grown stepdaughters live and work in California.Occupation: Homemaker. Long-time voiceover actress on "Unshackled!". I was a substitute teacher in Addison Public Schools and before that at Northside College Preparatory Academy in Chicago. I also taught theatre at Loyola University and Northeastern Illinois.Education: Bachelor of Arts in sociology and theatre with a teaching certificate, University of Michigan (1976). Master of Fine Arts in theatre from Goodman School of Drama (1976). Health Fitness Instructor from American College of Sports Medicine (1990).Civic involvement: Member of Addison Township Democratic Organization and DuPage County Democrats, Addison Public Library Book Discussion Group. Before that I founded The Commons Theatre Company in Chicago which functioned actively for twelve years. I also coordinated and produced four Off-Off Loop Theatre Festivals with 12 - 16 theatre companies in each.Elected offices held: Precinct Committeeman for the 27th Precinct, Addison First Vice Chair, Addison Township Democratic OrganizationHave you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain: No.Candidate's Key Issues Key Issue 1 I look forward to this campaign as a means of representing all the people of Addison Township and offering a choice to the long-running strangle-hold held by the political party currently in power. This party has not served with transparency and has been free to keep all records, serve as election authority and ex-officio clerk of the township highway department---without any true oversight by the people they represented.Key Issue 2 I view the opportunity to serve as Clerk as a chance to invite participation into Addison Township elected offices. Our Township encompasses many diverse communities, and as such, needs a diversity of views to arrive at solutions to the problems that we and our Township will face in the coming years.Key Issue 3 We need a foodbank that functions more easily and more frequently for all citizens of the Township, a more fair and complete dissemination of materials at election time, and greater networking between social service agencies and the people who need access to them. Finally, we need to balance the budget of the Township Office, decreasing salary expansion and increasing services to the people.Questions Answers Name the three most important goals or objectives this board should tackle in the coming term. Prioritize them, and briefly discuss why you believe each to be critical, and how the board should go about addressing them.1) Communication with the people, ALL of the people in order to build a stronger community. Right now meetings are run virtually in secret, with no opportunities for input or discussion. 2) More openness and discussion of issues at the meetings, especially when the citizens are present. Dates and times of meetings are not easily obtained and decisions are made with no discussion even when citizens are present trying to participate. 3) Decrease in salary expansion and increase in services to the people. Salaries keep going up and we, the people, cannot see where that is justified. What are these people doing to justify these salaries? We need a more transparent accounting of time and services offered, and, obviously more and better services to the people.In the 21st Century, with municipalities gobbling up vacant land, why are townships needed? Should they be serving a new role? If so, what?Townships can fill roles including water conservation and drought/flooding management. We can expand recycling and implement renewable energy solutions, pioneering solar and wind uses. Townships can also play a role in assisting in healthcare exchanges.What should be the primary responsibility of township government?To serve ALL of the people by overseeing and lending a hand in public safety, stewardship of the environment, public transportation, health of the citizens, safe recreation, social services, and facilities for seniors, the poor, and the developmentally disabled. Also, the Township should assist with preserving open spaces and parks as Addison Twp. has too many open lots and not enough parks and gardens.In these hard economic times, can you identify some township expenses/programs that could be trimmed or eliminated to reduce the tax burden?Right now the Township offers a Flu Clinic. This is unnecessary as pharmacies in every major store offer flu shots and have a pharmacist present. Also, I believe the role of Supervisor might be eliminated. The Township could function with a lead trustee and three other trustees to save salary. The extra money could be put towards the food bank. I also plan to caucus with some of our legislators to discuss their views on the future of the township and ways our governmental bodies can work more effectively together.What specific background or experience do you bring that makes you the best qualified candidate to serve as an elected official in the township?As First Vice Chair of Addison Township Democratic Organization, I work with a multi-cultural democratic base comprised of people including Asians, Hispanics, white, the young, the elderly, men and women. I continue to show leadership in working with these disparate groups to find commonality and common cause, as well as by assisting the get-out-the vote effort which resulted in the election of 17 Democrats in 2012. These candidates were elected in what was once a solidly republican county. These successes show what a committed group of people working towards a common goal can accomplish through a combination of hard work and passion. Other experiences I bring to bear include forming and operating a theater company in which I had to play multiple roles, including fundraising, management, accountant, and president. Teaching experiences help me with patience, leadership, and training.