Donald Holod: Candidate Profile
Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioKey IssuesQA Bio City: AddisonWebsite: http://WWW.Addisontwpgop.comOffice sought: Addison Township Board (4-year Terms)Age: 55Family: Married, 2 childrenOccupation: Operations Tech Support Leader Licensed Radon Measurement TechnicianEducation: Candidate did not respond.Civic involvement: Elm Court Owners Assoc.Elected offices held: Addison Township Trustee 2008-PresentHave you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain: traffic offense,27 years agoCandidate's Key Issues Key Issue 1 To continue to provide excellent service in the areas of senior programs and public assistance in Addison Township, at no additional cost to the taxpayers.Key Issue 2 By working with County, State Officials and local business create a job board to expand on Job Programs for returning veterans and people seeking employment.Key Issue 3 Transparency, we will continue as a Board to develop through technology and media distribution improved communication on the accomplishments, projects and services offered.Questions Answers Name the three most important goals or objectives this board should tackle in the coming term. Prioritize them, and briefly discuss why you believe each to be critical, and how the board should go about addressing them.1. Create a broader awareness on Township government services and programs that are available to our citizens. We can do a better job of communicating to the Taxpayers of the various township divisions such as the Highway Division and the Assessors Office and the benefits and convenience provided to them. The Township provides the greatest value dollar for dollar for its citizens. 2. Continue to look for ways that enhance the services provided to the citizens of Addison Township. This may be through Technology or combining services with other entities to meet our Community's need.? 3. Transparency, we will continue as a Board to develop through technology and media distribution improved communication on the accomplishments, projects and services offered.In the 21st Century, with municipalities gobbling up vacant land, why are townships needed? Should they be serving a new role? If so, what?Townships are necessary as they continue to serve the taxpayer at the local government level and provide such services as general assistance, Food Pantry, Clothes Closet, and transportation for seniors, in addition to property assessment, and road and bridge maintenance in theses tough economic times. The Township is able to respond to the needs of taxpayers quicker due to there proximity and on a more personal basis. The Township continues to develop programs such as an Electronics Recycling Program which has been well received. Addison Township provides convenience to the taxpayer by having an office centrally located to discuss there assessment concerns, or to apply for a passport. Addison Township host numerous events through out the year such as the Holiday Christmas Party, Senior Bingo, AARP Drivers Safety Program and a Flu Clinic just to mention a few. To sum it up the Township provides vital services to its residents while keeping expenses low.What should be the primary responsibility of township government?The three basic functions of Township government are 1) general assistance; 2) the assessment of real property; and 3) the maintenance of all roads and bridges outside the federal state and local jurisdiction. The Township is able to provide and fulfill theses responsibilities at costs lower than other government entitiesIn these hard economic times, can you identify some township expenses/programs that could be trimmed or eliminated to reduce the tax burden?Township Trustees have voted to eliminate benefits and not take pay increases for the next four years. The Township team is very cost conscience and knows how to make every tax dollar count.What specific background or experience do you bring that makes you the best qualified candidate to serve as an elected official in the township?Having over 30 years of management experience, budget manangement and cost control have always been an area of significant contribution to organizations.