
Cindy Keck: Candidate Profile

Winfield Library Board (4-year Terms)

Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioKey IssuesQA Bio City: WinfieldWebsite: Candidate did not respond.Office sought: Winfield Library Board (4-year Terms)Age: Candidate did not respond.Family: Candidate did not respond.Occupation: Developmental TherapistEducation: BS Child Development, Michigan State University, 1975Civic involvement: Wheaton Kiwanis ClubElected offices held: Candidate did not respond.Have you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain: Candidate did not respond.Candidate's Key Issues Key Issue 1 I am committed to helping make the Winfield Public Library building accessible to all of our residents and guests.Key Issue 2 I am committed to helping the library maintain a solid financial footing.Key Issue 3 I am committed to exploring new media formats, while preserving the best of the current and past formats, and making all of them available to the largest number of people.Questions Answers Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you, and if so, what is it?As a frequent user of our public library, I can see how important a place of learning and meeting is to a community. I would like to see the building be put to its most efficient use, including making all public areas accessible to people with mobility limitations.If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of important initiatives you've led. If you are a non-incumbent, tell us what special contributions you could make.I have served on the Board for seven years, and have been secretary for six years. I previously served on the Board in the 1980's. I bring a long-term perspective and verbal history to decision making discussions.Do you have a library card? How long have you had it? How often do you use it?Yes. I have had a library card since I moved to Winfield in 1980. I use it several times a month.Space is usually an issue at libraries. If that's the case at your library, would your solution be to expand the physical plant or make room by doing away with parts of the collection that technology has made less critical? Explain.As a Board, we hire staff that is more familiar with the current usage of each format and department than we are. We work with staff to make the best use of space. We are now adding e-books to our collection, and "weeding" of seldom used items is a yearly task. We need more space as much for gatherings and group meetings as we do for housing the collection. Our library is a dynamic place!What impact have economic and technological changes had on libraries? How does a library remain relevant? How should its role in the community change?Our mission is "Nurturing the imagination." We have been doing that since our founding, with whatever materials were available and relevant, and will continue to do so in the future. Our role has not changed, but the means we use to bring it about have. We offer electronic connections to people who do not have them at home. We offer people who can listen to your questions and respond humanly, not with just a search engine algorithm.

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