
Headlines showing too much bias

I have lived in Rolling Meadows for 30 years, and my wife and I have been subscribers to your newspaper over the same time. Normally we enjoy reading the local news of the day and the business and sport sections, but we have noticed the paper has a penchant to lead with articles that are not titled or written truthfully and favor the political “right” more often then the middle of the political spectrum.

A good example is featured in the Jan. 3 edition. Your lead article reads, “Why congressmen voted no” and just below that “Democrats promise to compromise.” Why didn’t your lead article read “Why Republican congressmen refused to compromise”? On Page 6 you expanded on this article and explain who and how our representatives voted, but did you have to insert another picture of Joe Walsh in this article? Why not a picture of Dan Lipinski or Jan Schakowsky?

I, and I’m sure a number of your readers, would like a little more clarity and attention to detail in your reporting of what our public representatives are doing and why. No misleading headings would be a good start.

Roy Marzano

Rolling Meadows

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