
Volunteers, donations help families with critically ill children

Normal Moments’ fourth annual Adopt-a-Family program allows community members to share the spirit of the holidays by assisting families that are unable to afford traditional celebrations due to the effects of caring for a critically ill or medically complex child.

Normal Moments invites companies, families, individuals, and other organizations to adopt one or more families or to donate a single gift for a single child. To donate, visit and select “Adopt-a-Family” from the services tab.

Based in Naperville and now serving more than 200 families in the Chicago area, Normal Moments’ family base has increased and the economic position of most of these families has decreased. Increased community support is critical for success with the Adopt-a-Family program, as well as with year-round services like housekeeping, lawn maintenance and snow removal.

Volunteers are paired with families as quickly as possible, but there is an ongoing need for paid professional services as well. Donations also can be made through the website.

For families spending day after day in the hospital — often with less money than ever as one or both parents lose or give up jobs to care for children who require near-constant attention — trying to get into the holiday spirit can be a challenge.

Knowing there is a community surrounding them that cares can buoy the spirits of parents as much as the gifts raise the spirits of their children.

One family emailed after the holidays last year, “I had to hold my tears when I accepted the gifts from Gina. It’s amazing that people are really willing to help us.”

Along with individuals to actually shop for Normal Moments families, there is also a need for volunteers willing to help deliver gifts in the week leading up to Christmas. Anyone interested in helping with delivery can email for additional information.

For details about Normal Moments, to donate or to sign up for the Adopt-a-Family program, visit or call (630) 888-8111.

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