
'Fork Over Your Vote' at Stanley's Ale House through Nov. 4

Stanley's Ale House, 335 S. McLean Blvd. in South Elgin, will hold a “Fork Over Your Vote” poll to determine results of 2012 presidential election. Members of the community are invited to cast their ballot.

Sept. 24 is the starting date of the city's first Presidential “Independent Business” Poll. This poll named “Fork Over Your Vote” will run through Sunday, Nov. 4 at noon. The poll results press release will be sent out by noon each Monday until the election. All patrons will receive a bottle cap as a ballot.

“As patrons dine with us they are handed a painted bottle cap and are asked to put it in the GIANT beer bottle favoring Obama or the bottle indicating Romney. On Nov. 3, one day before the actual election we will accurately predict the winner of the 2012 presidential election,” says Scott Stanley.

Restaurants participating around the country have done this since 2004, it is the largest poll in America. The web site “” will give people the chance to see how their state is doing and watch as the polls changes leading into the end of the election. Some restaurants use jelly beans but with the ale house's 100 craft beer selection they thought bottle caps and BIG beer bottles would be more fun.

The Fork Over Your Vote 2012 Poll is being conducted to draw attention to the presidential election, to get out more voters, as a fun way to get people more involved in your community and the election of their representatives.

All are welcome, including children, to celebrate America's democratic process.

Stanley's is the only restaurant in this area participating and have already seen a great interest in our “poll display”. This is a great way to have fun and even get your kids involved in the election process.

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