
Coolidge is sensible alternative for 6th

Coolidge is sensible alternative for 6th

Leslie Coolidge is my choice to represent the 6th District in Congress. She will focus on helping the middle class find jobs that will be created by bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. Being endorsed very recently by Greenpeace, she is committed to protecting our environment and creating green jobs that will boost our economy.

Leslie understands huge budgets, being now a retired CPA partner of the worldwide accounting firm of KPMG LLP. She led the firm’s internal training program, and she gets that reaching across the aisle to help other members of Congress understand importance of having funding in place before a bill is passed is crucial to the process of having a balanced budget and a strong national credit rating. Tax policy, the deficit, reforms of abuses that led to the recession are critical to comprehend and this lady does.

Her opponent, Peter Roskam, has been described as “the most conservative member of the Illinois congressional delegation,” according to the National Journal. He has continued to waste our time and taxes by voting against Wall Street reform, the job stimulus and the Affordable Care Act, but for the XL Keystone Gas Line that will only enrich the oil companies, for renewing the Bush tax cuts for the superrich, and for about every proposal the Republican Party has put forth in two years.

Denise Israel

Barrington Hills

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