How about a cure for West Nile?
I’m curious. Every year now we are alerted to the threat of West Nile virus both in humans and especially birds. Though the number is not large, I doubt if those who have lost loved ones would agree. Some advice we are given is sensible, such as using a repellent with enough DEET, dumping stagnant water in bird baths and flower pots. Some other advice is plain silly. Who do you know who wears long pants and sleeves in hot weather? Many people have to work in their yard at or near dusk because they work all day. How about a West Nile mosquito that follows you in through an open door, isn’t seen and you get bitten?
What I’m not hearing is any reports of scientists developing a vaccine against this threat. What century are we living in? Is West Nile the new polio? Summer should not be lived in fear.
Ruth A. Kramer