
I will take the fairy dust

President Obama’s primary response to the Romney/Ryan ticket is to accuse them of having a plan of “trickle-down fairy dust.” What the president does not realize is that some of us would be pleased to have “fairy dust” (even if that were all we could get) in place of the choking deficits and debt, wasteful spending, Constitution-bashing, contempt of Congress and the Supreme Court and our country, foreign policy disaster, health care fiasco, a corrupt Justice Department, and other failures that he has showered on us for the last four years.

He does not even have the guts to propose a plan to solve our financial crisis (might offend the base) or put people back to work and he is so incompetent he can’t even get one Democrat to vote for his budget proposals. We should have no expectation that the Obama campaign will ever be anything other than character assassination and the politics of personal destruction; he can’t talk about the issues when he has no accomplishments and no plan for solutions.

Obama, Reid, Durbin, Pelosi, and other liberal Democrats have nothing to offer — not even fairy dust.

Kelley C. Smith

Long Grove

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