
Tips to help, signs to look for

Ways to help your shy child

Ÿ Introduce your child, and help him or her start conversations at new social settings.

Ÿ When your child starts a new activity, stay for the first practice or lesson.

Ÿ Avoid labeling your child as shy, because it will make your child feel more self conscious and nervous in social situations.

Ÿ Don’t criticize your child for being shy.

Ÿ Don’t force your child to do something that he or she is adamantly refusing to do.

Signs that you may need to seek professional help for your child’s shyness

Ÿ Your child’s shyness is interfering with his or her daily functioning.

Ÿ Your child shows no interest in social interactions.

Ÿ Your child doesn’t speak at school. This could be a sign that your child has selective mutism.

Ÿ You have talked to your child’s teachers, day care, baby sitter, etc. to make modifications to help with your child’s shyness, but your child is still uncomfortable in these settings.

Ÿ Your child is unable to interact with his or her peers.

Ÿ Your child hasn’t developed any friendships.

Ÿ Your child isn’t able to raise his or her hand in class or talk to teachers due to anxiety.

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