
West Nile Virus Intensifies in Illinois

Catch basin treatments are an extremely important part of the Village's mosquito abatement program because catch basins are a prime location for breeding of mosquitoes that carry the West Nile Virus. Clarke places a 150-day Altosid briquette in each catch basin in order to prevent mosquito larvae from hatching and becoming a flying nuisance. Altosid is an insect growth regulator that prevents the larva from maturing into an adult mosquito. It is a very safe product that has been used for years to treat catch basins.

Although the overall mosquito population is down, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of Culex mosquitoes and positive mosquito samples for West Nile virus. This year's extreme temperatures coupled with the ongoing drought are the perfect conditions for continued amplification of the virus.

Residents can take the following precautions during mosquito season:

• Minimize time spent outdoors at dawn, dusk and in the early evening, when mosquitoes are the most active.

• Wear light colored, long sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors.

• Apply DEET-based insect repellents sparingly to exposed skin and clothing (repellents may irritate eyes/mouths, so avoid applying to the hands of children.)

• Make sure that doors and windows have tight fitting screens.

• Remove containers that may hold water from your property to eliminate standing water, which serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes (discarded tires, cans, ceramic pots.)

• Keep weeds and grass cut short since adult mosquitoes look for shady places to rest during the hot daylight hours.

• Change water in bird baths at least once per week.

• Drain water from pool covers, and keep pools and hot tubs chlorinated and clean.

• Keep gutters clean.

Any resident desiring additional information should contact Clarke Mosquito directly at the hotline number, 1-800-942-2555.

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