
Find better role models than Kardashians

I am truly dumbfounded after reading the article “Kardashian visit brings huge crowds at Woodfield” (April 21). It is very concerning to me that these women are considered role models by young adults and teenagers. A 25-year-old was quoted as saying, “If we don’t meet them it will be the worst day of my life.” Another 20-year-old had meeting the Kardashians as No. 1 on her bucket list. A teenager stated that Kim Kardashian was an ideal role model.

Obviously I don’t know this family personally, and they certainly can live their lives any way they choose. However, after reading Wikipedia’s description of the family members I could not identify anything that was role model material. If there is something I missed, I would love to be enlightened.

The Kardashians are definitely not the only “reality stars” that we have mistakenly given our adulations to. We are the ones who purchase their perfumes and clothing and tune into their TV shows. Basically there’s nothing really wrong with people’s fascination with the rich and famous. Most of the time it’s harmless. It becomes a problem when we don’t care about what makes them rich and famous. Maybe we need to be more selective in our choices and reward those who contribute to making our world a better place.

I think we should take a good look at what talents, actions and examples we consider to be the right attributes for our children’s role models and direct them toward those who are more deserving of this role.

Bonnie Bates


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