
Threat to Israel is unacceptable

I am an 86-year-old World War II veteran, and I believe that Iran seeks to finish the “job” that Hitler began in the Holocaust by committing genocide of Jews. The only democracy and U.S. ally in the Middle East is once again under attack, but not to blame, notwithstanding any absurd terrorist propaganda.

Undeniable, simple facts must be understood in the ongoing terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians. The recent wave of attacks on Israel by Hamas and other Iranian-backed terrorist groups from Gaza are aimed at major population centers, forcing half a million Israelis into bomb shelters. At least 261 rockets have been fired on fired in 2012 alone.

Hamas is a self-avowed terrorist organization governing Gaza, receiving money and weapons from Iran. Hamas proudly teaches violence and hatred, with full commitment to destroying Israel. Iran funds these terrorists and others, including direct attacks on Americans, and cannot be allowed to complete development of its nuclear weapons program.

Given these undeniable facts, Israel has the absolute right to defend itself. Imagine the U.S. response under similar attack! Everyone should totally condemn the evil perpetrators, with no room for “moral equivalency” or “political correctness.”

An important question to ask is: When will Israel have a partner for the peace it continually seeks? As the region becomes more, not less, radical and hateful, Israel’s right to exist comes under ever greater threat.

Ask the Christians who live in the Middle East and Africa about the abuses they suffer under radical Muslim regimes. Israel and the U.S. protect the rights and religious freedom of all. Unfortunately, the bad guys abuse privileges granted by free nations in order to enslave us all. We need to face these facts and act on them now.

Milton Davis

Jewish War Veterans Post 89


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