
Time to change energy policy

Our president misses another chance to lead. Oil prices keep rising, he comments, “We cannot drill our way out.”

True, it will not help today, but it will in the future. In 1973 after oil shortages, an energy policy to develop alternate energy sources was a priority.

Thirty-eight years later, little progress, we stumble along. Our president wasted a half-billion dollars in a solar power company that is bankrupt, leaving only top management rich. Not bad enough, add another quarter billion dollars for an electric car and battery company in Indiana.

We must drill responsibly. This will create jobs, keep money at home and achieve energy independence. Alternate sources to effect meaningful change is 20 years or more down the road.

A bit of trivia: In 1941 before the war the U.S. exported oil to Japan.

Illinois taxes gas twice — a motor fuel tax and a sales tax. The sales tax is per dollar, not per gallon. On gas at $4, the tax is an extra 20 cents per gallon. A 20-cent drop in the gas price wold help many. Call your state reps and give them your thoughts.

John Mayerhofer


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