
Monitors removed from Arlington Hts. teens charged in beating

A judge in juvenile court Friday ordered the end of electronic monitoring for eight juveniles, including two brothers from Arlington Heights, who are charged with beating another young man in January and posting a video on YouTube, the lawyer for one said.

George Sarikos of Chicago represents the 16-year-old Arlington Heights boy; his 15-year-old brother is also charged and has a separate attorney.

The eight teens are charged with robbery, aggravated battery, theft and mob action stemming from the assault against a 17-year-old Curie High School senior in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood. They also face misdemeanor battery and theft charges.

Judge Terrence Sharkey said the seven young men and one young woman could also use their cellphones, but ordered an 8 p.m. curfew to remain in effect, said Sarikos.

The youngsters have worn the monitors since Jan. 24 when they were ordered to go only to school and home.

The next court date will be April 27.

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