
Steve Johnson Wins Two Technical Communications Awards

Steve Johnson of Glen Ellyn has won two awards for exceptional technical writing from the Society for Technical Communication, Chicago chapter.

Johnson was honored with an Award of Excellence for an article he wrote for the forecast issue of PIA Magazine, a monthly publication of the Printing Industries of America. Johnson is the president and CEO of Copresco, a Carol Stream digital printer.

His article on “Digital Presses Run the (Color) Gamut” received an Award of Merit.

Johnson has been active as an author, consultant and speaker on a variety of business and technological topics for the graphic arts and technical communications industries and writes a monthly column for Quick Printing magazine. He has won numerous awards for publications excellence, marketing communications, newsletter editing and website creation and development.

The Society for Technical Communication (STC) is an international organization dedicated to advancing the arts and sciences of technical communication.

Copresco specializes in digital on-demand printing of publications, books and manuals for clients in the general business, printing trade, technical and institutional fields.

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