
Church spreads cheer at IYC in St. Charles

Submitted by Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva

Eighteen members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva celebrated Christmas on Dec. 17 with boys at the Illinois Youth Center in St. Charles.

Through special collections, a folk fair, and sales of fair trade products and crafts, the church raised more than $2,500, which was used to purchase computers for the boys to use at the center. In addition, at the party — given for boys who do not receive visitors — each young man received a gift bag containing a pair of leather gloves, a hand-knit hat, and other items. The boys also chose books which they could read from donations provided by Fox Valley Literacy Council working with Barnes & Noble bookstore.

Church members and boys from the Youth Center spent the afternoon constructing 21st-century sleighs for Santa from assorted materials, creating unique versions of Christmas carols, and devouring mountains of cookies.

Throwing a party and purchasing substantial gifts for boys in the Youth Center is a UUSG tradition that dates back 20 years, thanks to the initiative of church member Gerald Nordengren, who worked at the center. This year, members of the church were joined by Ricardo “Cobe” Williams from Ceasefire Chicago as well as Keith Knazze and Toussaint Smith from Transition Alternatives in Aurora. Williams shared the story of a boy who had been locked in the St. Charles IYC but, with the help of Ceasefire, now has a job, a car, a place to live, and a family. Each of the men met individually with the boys, giving them the hope of making a smooth transition following incarceration.

If you’d like to support UUSG’s work with the Youth Center, please send a check written to “UUSG” with “Illinois Youth Center” in the memo line to UUSG, PO Box 107, Geneva, IL, 60134.

The Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva, established in 1842 and the oldest church in Geneva, is a diverse, welcoming community that endeavors to make its Covenant a living reality. For information, visit