
Throw Obama camp on ash pile of history

Every time Obama speaks, he demonizes the upper financial middle class and the upper financial class.

This is a political ploy to get votes from the non-achievers, who do not now and never will aspire to move into those classes.

He knows that the rich are a fluid class. Most of those who are now millionaires are formerly poor. I know many people who were children of share croppers or factory workers who have fought their way out of poverty and are now demonized for that effort, and the socialists who were tutored by Marxist teachers want the tax laws to be more confiscatory than they are already.

I submit that 64 percent of one’s income is way too high, if we take into account all the hidden taxes we pay, it could exceed that figure. If this is not class warfare, what is it? Every speech Obama makes is paraphrased from one chapter or another of the Communist Manifesto and every action he takes is a step the Bolsheviks used to gain dictatorial power over the proletariat in the European and Asiatic countries, most of whom have now embraced capitalism.

Obama was tutored by his family and all his teachers to believe in the socialist model and how to achieve the result he is presiding over today.

I was raised by dedicated socialist parents, who would have been devoted followers of the current administration were they alive today. Why would I tell this embarrassing fact? Well, Ronald Reagan was a New Deal Democrat until he matured, and I claim the same reason for being a conservative today. I matured.

We will survive the Obama push toward a communist society envisioned by his 40 or 50 czars and their leaders, who have wanted a socialist country all their lives. But will there be a sufficient awakening of the voters to throw them onto the place they belong, the ash heap of history?

Wilton Jere Tidwell
