
Easy to blame Obama without facts

I don’t usually respond to right-wing comments because they are frequently fact-free. Mr. Mack’s December 17 assertions in the Daily Herald are no exception.

The Bush tax cuts in ‘01 and ‘03 are still in effect thanks to Republican obstructionism in the Tea Party-controlled House of Representatives. So is the reduction in capital gains tax rate to 15 percent. These cuts for the wealthy 1 percent have blown a huge hole in the federal budget. Along with the Bush wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, they have caused about $5 trillion in budget deficits that Obama inherited along with the Great Recession. As a result, the income disparity between the top 1 percent and the 99 percent has accelerated while the middle class suffers from a lack of jobs, foreclosures and high medical and tuition bills.

This trickle down economics has rewarded the millionaires and billionaires while outsourcing jobs overseas. And contrary to your statements, Obama has tried repeatedly to reverse this trend but has been blocked by the GOP militants advocating a continuation of the disastrous Bush tax cuts and loopholes for the rich.

The Republicans refuse to invest in infrastructure, education or innovation. They just want to keep rewarding Wall Street bankers that we bailed-out and their other wealthy supporters while the middle class is squeezed to extinction.

If you are going to enter the debate, you should at least understand the facts and know a little history. But, then, that has never prevented right-wingers from blaming everything on Obama.

Tom Minnerick
