
As is, Medicare will bankrupt America

My last letter was about the AARP and how they were misleading people into thinking that no changes were needed to Medicare and Social Security. As I said, people on Medicare get an average of $3 in benefits for each dollar they paid in. In other words, the grandkids are making up the difference.

Does the AARP care? No, they love it! They want more. Without reform, the program will bankrupt America and will have to be greatly reduced, even for current recipients.

A recent AARP newspaper said that Social Security is solvent to 2026, and then it falls off a cliff. If it is not reformed, your benefits, and mine, will be cut by about 25 percent. Sound good to you? Or should the program be reformed so your benefits won’t have to be cut?

Oh, I still want you to check the U.S. Debt Clock for the unfunded liabilities of Medicare and Social Security. It makes Greece look like a bunch of pikers!

Bill Hartman


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