
Keep sharp eye on Middle East

The strong need to aggressively attack the terrorist activities of Mideast countries against the U.S. government seems to me to be very obvious.

Obama has this “let’s be friends” quality. He wants to make these Muslim and Arab League countries like us. The idea that our friendly attitude is the right way to handle them is erroneous thinking at best.

We should build up our CIA stance and seriously develop an anti-terrorist presence within these countries. We need to be aware that there is a real necessity to find out how much we are being set up for an attack. If we know what they are attempting, we can be better prepared. Forearmed is forewarned. The 9/11 attack has passed its 10th anniversary and I worry that we will get another attack. I understand that we have the ability to train a good number of anti-terrorist people to do secret work inside these countries, through the strength of the CIA anti-terrorist training program.

You can brush this off as spying but I feel that these Mideast countries must have the level of spying practiced on them that they are practicing on our country. They will only respect tough tactics.

Chuck Barr

St. Charles